Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Slow Poke - A Finish

Design - Slow Poke
Designer - Ewe & Eye & Friends
Fabric - 32 count Winter Sky Lakeside linens
The fabric called for was Amethysy - a much darker purple - I like my choice of a lighter blue/violet/grey color.
Floss - DMC & Anchor
Started - 23 April 2010
Completed - 25 April 2010 

A storm blew in yesterday afternoon with 50mph gusts of wind.  The Craft Room (on the 2nd story) always reminds me of a lighthouse during storms.  The wind howled around the corners and the rain slashed at the windows.  When the rain finally arrived (after the wind) it flat poured!  I think we received well over two inches from 7:00pm yesterday to 7:00am this morning. Now there is a period of calm, so I hurried out to refill the bird feeders.  Yesterday I counted about four dozen Band Tailed Pigeons at the feeders- yikes!   

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