Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Rabbits

Tulips at the Lane County Farmers' Market 

I had to share this photo.  When my sister and I went to the Lane County Farmers' Market on Saturday, the floral vendors had extraordinary displays of cut materials for Easter bouquets.  This was my favorite - glorious!

Easter Rabbits - Design by Alexandrina

After church today, we took a road trip to the Coast and I brought along this project to stitch in the car.  The chart is a freebie from Alexandrina.  Again, I went out on a limb and chose the fabric and fibers.  I used 25 count Cream Belfast linen and Crescent Colors floss.  From left to right I stitched the bunnies with: Chocolate Cream Pie, Bunny Hunny, and Wisconsin Woods.
I think it turned out well - how can you go wrong with chocolate bunnies!?!?

Debbie Mumm Pincushion with Just Another Button Company Pins

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